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What my diagnosis means to me

by | Dyslexia Show, Speaker

Bronwyn Francis – Workplace Panellist

My name is Bronwyn and I am an HR professional. I work in the science and engineering sector which is excellent as I get to spend a lot of my time with robots! I have a passion for gardening and spend every year planning my display of flowers. I also enjoy taekwondo and train a few evenings a week. I have a passion for animals – my fiancé and I have four lovely guinea pigs who rule our house! 

I have also spent a lot of my life feeling like the odd one out. It wasn’t until I was 25 that I found out why. 

It took a long time for me to receive my autism diagnosis. After becoming aware during lockdown that I seemed to love the isolation that others very rightfully hated, I began investigating. I found a list describing autism in women which was unlike anything I had seen before – and I completely fit the bill. After waiting three years for a diagnosis on the NHS, I remember being very relieved when the report came back that my suspicions were correct. It made everything make sense – it was finally clear why lots of things seemed to take so much more energy for me than the people around me. 

For me, my diagnosis has made my life better – whether this is being part of employee resource groups for disability and meeting likeminded people, supporting neurodivergent people at work get the adjustments they need or getting involved in events like The Dyslexia Show! It has been wonderful to finally know more about myself as it has allowed me to feel a greater sense of self-compassion and recognise how I can contribute while looking after myself too. I am looking forward to sharing more about this topic at the panel!