
@ Dyslexia Show 2024


Beccie Hawes

Head of Service at Cadmus Inclusive

Qualifications: BA(hons) QTS, MEd - Inclusion and Diversity in Education, PG Cert - Professional Studies: SENCo, PG CERT - Specific Learning Difficulties: dyslexia, AMBDA

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Beccie has worked in all aspects of Special Educational Needs including mainstream, additionally resourced provision and specialist settings. She has extensive experience as a SENCo, Inclusion Manager, Lead Local Authority Advisory SEND Teacher and SEND Consultant. She is currently the proud Head of Service for Cadmus Inclusive – a not for profit SEN advisory and pupil well-being support service. Beccie remains very ‘hands on’ in the classroom and is passionate about being at the chalk face to support teachers and children in order to practice what she preaches. She is the author of ‘The Complete Dyslexia Toolkit’, ‘SEND: The Things and the Stuff’ and co-author of ‘Getting it Right for SEND’ and ‘How to Create the Perfect Partnership with Parents’. Beccie also writes the national Ebriefing: SEND Bitesize and frequently blogs and produces magazine articles about education. She has also developed a number of educational resources to support learners with educational needs. Beccie is especially passionate about celebrating learning differences. She strives to support schools to think differently to improve and adapt teaching to ensure that every pupil has the chance to shine. Beccie is a mum/step-mum to four fantastic boys and Harry the dog.

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 10:00 - 10:45

Executive what? Helping your child with task organisation, maintenance and completion skills.

Caroline Bateman, Achieve Now

Caroline is passionate about helping dyslexic students achieve. She has a proven track record of improving self-esteem, aspiration levels and results by utilising free technology and effective learning strategies.

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Caroline has been helping dyslexic students achieve academically for over 15 years. A former IT consultant, she was taken aback by how few schools were taking advantage of freely available technology to transform learning for dyslexic students. By accessing this technology, she helped her own three dyslexic children go from failing to excelling at school. Wanting to help other students achieve their true potential she founded Achieve Now to pass on what she had seen work. She is now a Senior Lecturer - Dyslexia Specialist at Kingston University focused on preparing the next generation of teachers to support dyslexic learners.

Speaking on 15th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 15:30 - 16:15

STOP dyslexic underperforming in exams

Dr Helen Ross

Dr Helen Ross is a fully qualified special needs teacher and former SENCO, working as an independent educational research consultant, specialist assessor and SEND expert.

Qualifications: MEng (hons) PGCE (MFL) MA (Open) MRes PgCert PgCert PhD AMBDA AMBDA Dyscalculia APC

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Dr Helen Ross works as an independent educational research consultant, specialist assessor and SEND expert. Helen is Co-Vice Chair of the British Dyslexia Association, Chair of the Wiltshire Dyslexia Association and is on the board of the US, not-for profit National Coalition of Independent Scholars. She has consulted for the British Dyslexia Association, The Committee for Science and Technology (part of the UK Government), and Wiltshire Local Authority. She also works internationally with various third sector and commercial organisations with evaluation, consultancy and resource development. Helen tweets as @drhelenross and regularly speaks on dyslexia and special educational needs.

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 11:00 - 11:45

Dyslexia diagnosis, reports and support- a parents’ guide

Dr Susie Nyman

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 13:30 - 14:15

Multi-sensory techniques you can try at home.

Jo Rees

Speaking on 15th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 12:00 - 12:45

Survival to Thrival with Dyslexia: A parents Guide

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 12:00 - 12:45

Survival to Thrival with Dyslexia: A parents Guide

John Hicks MNCPS Accred

Neurodiversity aware counsellor and coach.

Qualifications: MNCPS Accred

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As a neurodiversity aware counsellor and coach, John works with clients of all ages who want to discover the best of themselves and manage their weaknesses. Being neurodiverse and being a member of a neurodiverse family, John has helped to influence government policy on supporting neurodiversity as well as having supported thousands of parents who find themselves needing to understand what neurodiversity means for them, their children and their wider family members. With a therapeutic practice based in Cambridge, UK, John works with clients in person and online. Find out more about John's work at www.johnhicks.co

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 3 : Parents
Time: 13:30 - 14:15

Exploring parental resilience and positive child outcomes.

Katrina Cochrane

Katrina has been a specialist assessor and trainer for nearly 25 years. She set up her company Positive Dyslexia Ltd in 2016.

Qualifications: MA, PGCE, PG(Dip) Dyslexia, CCET, AMBDA, AOC, FRSA

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Katrina started as a secondary English teacher before qualifying as a specialist and working for Dyslexia Action. She moved to the BDA as Head of Education and then set up her company in 2016. She is joint Executive Vice Chair of the BDA Accreditation Board, an APC reviewer for the BDA and a Trustee of the Adult Dyslexia Centre. She assesses both children and and adults and offers accredited and non accredited training up to Level 4.

Speaking on 15th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 10:00 - 10:45

The Basics of Dyslexia

Marcia Brissett-Bailey

Marcia Brissett-Bailey is a thought leader, speaker, educator, and author of Black, Brilliant and Dyslexic, which was featured in Forbes. A passionate advocate for dyslexia through both lived experience and parenthood, she approaches her work through an intersectional lens—amplifying underrepresented voices and challenging traditional narratives.

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Marcia is the Director of Rethink Learning Consultancy and co-founder of Black Excellence, Leadership in Neurodiversity (BleND). Marcia also serves as an advisory board member for Birkbeck University’s Centre for Neurodiversity at Work, Rowan University’s Center for Neurodiversity, and The Diverse Creative, as well as a trustee for a national dyslexia association. With over 30 years in education, she holds a BSc (Hons) in Information Science, a PG Dip in Career Guidance (QCG), and an MA in Special Educational Needs, along with IPSEA Level 3 training in special education advocacy. Marcia has been recognized on the Diversity Power List 2024/25, named a Diversity Power House 2024/25, and awarded the WeAreTheCity Alumni Achievement Award as a Change Maker for the University of East London. She is a Rising Stars 100 Winner 2024, ranked among the Top 50 Influential Neurodivergent Women in the UK, and was a Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 finalist. Named one of 133 women who changed the world in 2023 by Diverse, Marcia has also been nominated twice at the Celebrating Neurodiversity Awards for Stereotype Buster of the Year and recognized as a Notable Dyslexic by Dyslexia Help – The Regents University of Michigan.

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 3 : Parents
Time: 14:30 - 15:15

Advocacy: talking about the next generation with dyslexia

Myles Pilling

Myles has been a special schools teacher and an adviser for ICT SEN and is now an assistive technologist working in the education and workplace sector

Qualifications: BA , MEd

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Myles has 28 yrs experience in teaching special needs followed by 10 years as an Adivser for ICT SEN where he operated an assessment and loan bank service for a local education authority. For the last 10 years he has been with working as an Assistive Technologist in the education and workplace sector

Speaking on 15th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 13:30 - 14:15

Encouraging your child to achieve using assistive technology

Paloma Forde - Dyslexia Support Services

Paloma is the GO TO Global Dyslexia Screening Expert & Special Educational Needs Teacher. An expert in her field speaking Nationally & Internationally. Author, consultant & specialised tutor.

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Paloma Forde, founder of Dyslexia Support Services, is an advocate for neurodiversity. With 27 years of experience, she is the GO TO Global dyslexia screening expert. Provider of training, tutoring & consultations. As an author and Growth Mindset coach, she works with schools, universities, and families. Recognised as a Special Educational Needs and Dyslexia expert, Paloma has spoken at various conferences and earned awards like BBC's Theo Paphitis' Small Business Sunday and Jacqueline Gold's Women in Business Award. She has made significant contributions to dyslexia awareness and early detection. Instagram: @dyslexiasupportservices Twitter: @screen4dyslexia Facebook: Dyslexia Support Services www.dyslexiasupportservices.com

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 3 : Parents
Time: 10:00 - 10:45

Dyslexia - Let's Get the BEST support for your child.

Richard Whitehead

An experienced educator, former SENCo and author on dyslexia and dyscalculia. Richard is Director of Davis Learning Foundation, trains others in the Davis approach and runs a practice in Malvern.

Qualifications: MA MPhil (Oxon), PGCE, Dip. RSA (SpLD), SpLD APC (Patoss), licensed Davis Dyslexia Programme Specialist

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Richard is author of the book, Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If? The Dyslexic Blueprint for the Future of Education.” A SpLD Assessor and former SENCo, Richard is Principal Trainer for Davis Learning Foundation (UK) and has delivered one-to-one Davis Programmes since 2002. Richard has presented on the Davis methods across five continents and has conducted webinars on multi-sensory learning for Operation Diversity, the University of Chester and the SEND Group. Richard’s second book, “Counting On Fingers — Why Some Bright And Creative People Struggle With Numbers And Mathematics, And How That Can Be Changed”, was published in October 2023.

Speaking on 15th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 14:30 - 15:15

Test Anxiety With Dyslexia. Causes and solutions.

Samantha Garner

Mental Health & Inclusion Consultant. Founder of Balanced People Ltd

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Sam is a renowned speaker, trainer and author specialising in Mental Health and Inclusion. She has worked in the education sector as a SENCo and the corporate sector in a variety or roles. She is a qualified Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, Counsellor and Master Mindset Coach. Sam has also founded a company, Balanced People Ltd, providing mental wellbeing and support to individuals and companies. Lauded for her humour and ‘telling it like it is’ approach to mental health, Sam is in high demand to speak at conferences and events and provides in-house training for schools and companies, nationally and internationally.

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 14:30 - 15:15

Anxiety & Safety Behaviours - everything you need to know

Sue Smits

Sue Smits is a specialist handwriting consultant, adviser and the founder of Morrells Handwriting. Sue is also the author of the Morrells Handwriting series of handwriting resources for EYFS to adult.

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Sue has been working with early years, primary and secondary schools for over 18 years, helping children with pencil grasp, letter recognition and joined-up handwriting technique whilst supporting human development for pre-writing skills. Sue is very passionate about teaching handwriting correctly and she just loves sharing her knowledge and expertise on how to teach the correct foundations for handwriting. Her handwriting training course covers everything you need to know about the root causes of handwriting problems. Most importantly, her school training helps teaching staff to understand why everyday pre-writing activities are an important factor for developing handwriting skills.

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 3 : Parents
Time: 11:00 - 11:45

Solutions for Handwriting Difficulties

Toni Horn

Lived experience with Neurodiversity and CPD training designer specialising in neurodiversity and dyslexia. Passionate about change and diversity. Keynote speaker and founder of 'Think Differently with Us'.

Qualifications: PGCert in Wellbeing, L4 Workplace Assessor and L4 SEMH Award

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Toni Horn, a neurodivergent and dyslexic woman, promotes inclusivity and understanding. Diagnosed with autism later in life, she has a deep empathy for those with learning differences. As a CPD training designer and keynote speaker, Toni empowers others through Think Differently With Us and NeuroEmpower CIC. She’s also a children’s book author, crafting stories that offer a positive outlook for those who think differently. Inspired by her dyslexic son, Toni’s mission is to create transformative educational experiences that celebrate neurodiversity and support individuals in embracing their unique strengths.

Speaking on 15th March in

Room: Room 1 : Parents
Time: 11:00 - 11:45

Empowering Parents and Guardians to Support Dyslexia at Home

Zoe Littlewood

Hey, I'm Zoe, a proud dyslexic person on a mission to bring awareness and understanding about dyslexia. I'm dedicated to breaking down barriers and fostering understanding about what dyslexia is.

Qualifications: BSc Sport Therapy

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Hello there, I'm Zoe, a 25-year-old proud dyslexic individual on a mission to bring awareness and understanding to dyslexia. I've embarked on a journey to break down barriers and create a more inclusive world. I firmly believe that by having open conversations and sharing our stories, we can all develop and grow together. Join me on this transformative journey of creating a society where dyslexia is celebrated and valued. Let's speak up, have those uncomfortable conversations, and together, let's make a difference in the world

Speaking on 16th March in

Room: Room 3 : Parents
Time: 12:00 - 12:45

Dyslexia and Family: Navigating the Journey Together

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