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Struggling with telling the time – we can help at EasyRead Time Teacher

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At EasyRead Time Teacher, we have been supporting adults and children to overcome their difficulties in telling the time for over 10 years. Learning how to tell the time, read an analogue clock, and apply that knowledge to real-life scenarios is a challenge for people of any age and presents additional complications for those with dyslexia or dyscalculia.

Our range of time teaching resources, including our clocks, games, and aids, are perfectly designed to support those with dyslexia or dyscalculia to learn to tell the time. On almost every clock, there are only 12 numbers, meaning that up to 80% of the information needed to learn how to tell the time is missing – whereas every EasyRead clock contains a clear breakdown of all 60 minutes and the relationship between the different sections of the clock face. As well as all of the information needed to easily read the exact time, our clear designs support our simple 2 or 3-step teaching method, which can be learnt quickly and memorised for a lifetime.

By simplifying the timetelling process, our wall clocks, classroom clocks, alarm clocks, and watches bridge the gap between the numbers on a clock and the passage of time, making a real difference to the time-telling abilities of those with dyscalculia, dyslexia, and any other time-telling difficulties.

Alongside our clocks, we are also committed to improving the support and resources available for primary school children who struggle with telling the time, delivered through our classroom and playground clocks, our classroom sets, and our card sets. The core aim of our resources is to provide the right level of support and scaffolding for learners of all ages, and to make the learning process a more enjoyable and engaging experience. Our card games and interactive activities take the pressure off those struggling to tell the time and reframe the time-telling process as an easy-to-follow game that can be shared with friends, fellow learners, or loved ones, and also brings the learning tasks into the home.

Whether you are looking for wall clocks for your home, alarm clocks to start each day with a clear time display, or watches to practise telling time on the go, our engaging designs break down the wider concept of time and make it much easier for people to access the time wherever they are.

As a family business dedicated to making the time a more accessible and easy-to-understand concept, we are proud to be attending this year’s Dyslexia Show. We will be at Stand B606 alongside a range of our resources and products, so be sure to come and say hello to our team and discuss how our range can support you.
