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Limited Availability – Workplace @ Dyslexia Show Just Around the Corner 

by | Workplace

The countdown has begun! Workplace @ Dyslexia Show 2024 is just around the corner, and there’s no time to waste. If you haven’t registered yet, here’s why you should act quickly: 

  1. Limited Availability: With the event drawing near, tickets are selling fast. Don’t miss your chance to attend this unique gathering of professionals dedicated to fostering neurodiversity in the workplace. 
  2. Saturday Access: Managers interested in inviting employees with neurodiverse needs have an exclusive opportunity. On Saturday, the 16th of March, there are five dedicated speakers supporting individuals with their neurodiverse needs. Managers can purchase day tickets for their employees to attend. 
  3. Last-Minute Insights: Workplace @ Dyslexia Show promises actionable takeaways and valuable resources. Attending the event will equip you with the latest insights and strategies for creating inclusive workplaces. 
  4. Networking: The event provides a platform to network with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. Building these connections can be a catalyst for change in your organisation. 

In summary, Workplace @ Dyslexia Show is just around the corner, and there’s still time to be part of this transformative event. Act now to secure your spot and be a driving force in creating inclusive workplaces that celebrate individual strengths and talents. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity!