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How AI can remove barriers

by | Assistive Technology, Dyslexia Show

Are you interested in learning more about how artificial intelligence can help remove barriers to accessibility? Join us at the Workplace @ Dyslexia Show, the leading exhibition dedicated to dyslexia and neurodiversity in the UK. 

At the show, you’ll learn about the latest advancements in accessible technology, artificial intelligence and Microsoft Copilot. See how these can help people with disabilities more fully participate in our economies and societies. With features like natural language interaction, speech recognition, and image recognition, AI and Microsoft Copilot can help unlock productivity and unleash creativity. 

For example, Microsoft’s Copilot can be used in various applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook, to improve accessibility. In Word, Copilot can help with writing and editing, aiding those with dyslexia. In PowerPoint, Copilot can help with the creation of visual content based on text prompts or Word documents. And in Outlook, Copilot can help with email content creation and coaching, as well as summarizing content. 

Accessibility in technology is important because it allows people with disabilities to participate in our economies and societies more fully. With over 1 billion people in the world with disabilities, many of whom can benefit from assistive technology, it is crucial that we design products, services, and environments with and for people with disabilities. Accessible technology can help bridge the growing disability divide and ensure that everyone can reach their full potential. 

With artificial intelligence we can accelerate this journey to inclusion.  

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about how artificial intelligence can help remove barriers to accessibility. Join us at the Workplace @ Dyslexia Show and discover the power of AI and Copilot.