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Discover the World of Books with Audiobooks

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Discover the World of Books with Audiobooks


For some people with dyslexia, the thought of reading might feel daunting, and the reality can be draining too. This can turn reading from a relaxing escape into an activity to avoid at all costs – reading for pleasure is simply not an option for many dyslexic people.

However, we at Listening Books believe that audiobooks can be the answer!

Studies have shown that, by removing the need to decode printed words, audiobooks make it easier for people with dyslexia to focus on the meaning of a text. This does wonders for reading confidence and can allow some dyslexic people to finally experience the joy of books!

Audiobooks can be an incredible gateway into the wonderful world of books for reluctant readers. Children can use audiobooks to manage school reading without stress and listen to the same books as their friends. Dyslexic students who use audiobooks are also likely to see an increase in their motivation to learn, involvement in school activities and academic performance!*

If you’d like to give audiobooks a go, we can help! Listening Books is a charitable audiobook lending service for anyone in the UK who finds that their illness, mental health condition, physical disability or learning disability affects their ability to read or hold a book.

We have over 10,000 audiobooks in our vast catalogue, which members can stream or download online through our website or an easy-to-use app. Whether you’re looking for yourself or a dyslexic child, there is something for all ages and interests in the Listening Books collection, from the classics and school textbooks to thrillers and celebrity autobiographies! We also provide access to thousands of newspapers and magazines in over 60 different languages, through our inclusive service, PressReader.

The best part of what we do is seeing the joy that audiobooks bring to our members. One member told us: “I am dyslexic and ever since my school days I have panicked if asked to read something for school, college, or work, but I’ve always felt a sadness that I’ve been missing so much from this world my mother and brother entered with their avid reading. I connect my wireless earbuds and get about my garden, do household jobs, and even listen on walks and in my car. I can’t express the pleasure this has given me with the added joy of being able to discuss authors and stories with my friends.”

Membership is just £20 a year, but we also offer free subscriptions to those who would find this fee a barrier to joining. To learn more, please visit


*Milani, A., Lorusso, M. L., & Molteni, M. (2010). The effects of audiobooks on the psychosocial adjustment of pre-adolescents and adolescents with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 16(1), 87–97.