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Be Part of a Changing Landscape

by | Dyslexia Show, Exhibitor/Sponsor, News

Join the Dyslexia Show and Dyscalculia Show: Be Part of a Changing Landscape

Back in 2019, when I embarked on the journey to create the Dyslexia Show, I could not have foreseen the incredible path we’d navigate to reach where we stand today. As a severely dyslexic adult, I am humbled and excited to provide the dyslexia community with an outstanding opportunity to participate in these groundbreaking events.

I am thrilled to announce that we have now sold or reserved over 80% of the exhibition space for the Dyslexia Show, which represents an astonishing 50% increase compared to this time last year. This remarkable achievement underscores the growing interest and support from within the dyslexia community.

In addition to this, our recent introduction of the Dyscalculia Show earlier this month has been nothing short of amazing. Thanks to the invaluable support of the Dyscalculia Network, we have already sold or reserved 30% of the exhibition space dedicated to this area. This demonstrates a clear industry interest in supporting events focused on dyslexia, dyscalculia, and the broader neurodiverse community.

As the UK’s leading exhibition dedicated to dyslexia, dyscalculia, and neurodiversity, we are committed to creating an event that can truly benefit everyone across this community. Whether you are an educator, a parent, someone in the workplace, or an individual seeking support, these shows offer a unique platform for learning, sharing, and connecting.

If your company operates in this space and has not yet signed up for information about the Dyslexia Show, I urge you to do so without delay. Your presence at our event signifies your support for the neurodiverse community and empowers me to deliver an event that unites diverse individuals and organisations in raising awareness.

Dyslexia, dyscalculia, and neurodiversity impact countless lives, and by participating, you have the opportunity to share, network, and engage with your audience, gaining a deeper understanding of their needs.

To learn more or to register for additional information, please feel free to book a call with me. Let us continue to broaden awareness and understanding, ensuring that the Dyslexia Show, Dyscalculia Show, and the wider neurodiverse community thrive. Join us in this mission, and together, we can make a difference.

To discover the commercial opportunities at the 2024 show click here

To arrange a call with show founder Arran Smith click here