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“Assistive Technology in Education – Essential for Some, Useful for ALL”

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Over the past couple of decades assistive technology has taken a back seat in the education world. Computing became the emphasis and although Ofsted does look at IT provision in schools and acknowledges the need for assistive technology there has been no compulsion to see it implemented.

But this is changing I am glad to say. Through the work of nasen and Microlink there has been a concentration on training for teachers in the use of assistive technology. Also the production of the AT mini-guide by nasen and Julia Clouter, Scanning Pens and myself there are resources our there that can make a real difference to your implementation of assistive technology. Download the 48 [age miniguide at,uk/atminiguide

Coupled with that BATA have produced a film mini-series to benefit schools in raising awareness of assistive technology by giving pupils the opportunity to share their stories through education and their use of assistive technology. These films are both powerful and emotional. So please come along to my session on “The Power of Assistive Technology) to learn about them. You can get them for free at

For parents the need is for information, advice and support in how best to help there child get the best of assistive technology at home. So my session on “Encouraging your child to achieve using assistive technology” will give helpful tips on AT and how it can be best used within the home context.

For me the whole business of assistive technology can not be ignore both at home or in school. It’s not just for those pupils with dyslexia it is for everyone. Our mantra is:-

“Essential for some, useful for ALL”

That way schools will develop a culture of using assistive technology as just another tool in their educational toolkit. So let’s make a difference for our pupils and be the trailblazers to make this happen!


Myles Pilling

Specialist SEND ICT-AT Consultant & Assisitve Technologist

AccessAbility Solutions