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Meet the Inspiring Speakers of Workplace @ Dyslexia Show 

by | Workplace

One of the highlights of Workplace @ Dyslexia Show is the impressive lineup of speakers who bring expertise and passion to the stage. These thought leaders, industry experts, and advocates for neurodiversity will share their insights and experiences, making the event even more enriching. Here’s a glimpse of some of the inspiring speakers: 

  1. Michael Vermeersch – Digital Inclusion Lead, Microsoft: Michael brings a wealth of experience in digital inclusion, making technology accessible for all. His insights into creating inclusive digital workplaces are invaluable. 
  2. Dr Deborah Leveroy – Head of Consultancy & Research, neurobox: Dr Leveroy’s expertise in research and consultancy is instrumental in understanding and supporting neurodiverse individuals in the workplace. 
  3. Kim Kidd – Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Hachette: Kim is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion. Her role as Diversity & Inclusion Manager at Hachette offers unique perspectives on fostering inclusivity. 
  4. Devon Lowndes – Founder & Director, Self Agency : Devon is the Founder and Director of Self Agency, a neurodiversity consultancy dedicated to the betterment of humanity through valuing every brain. 

These speakers, along with others, will contribute to a day filled with valuable insights and discussions on neurodiversity in the workplace. Their expertise will inspire and empower attendees to drive change within their organisations.